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Please go to the Public Calendar page for the archery shoot schedule.
Policies and Procedures:
- Registration opens by 8:00 a.m. and closes at 2:00 p.m. on the day of the shoot.
- Course fees are as follows:
- Adults 18 and older $12.00
- Youth 12-17 $10.00
- Cub 11 and under $8.00
- Family of 2 Adult/2 Youth FULL PRICE
- Additional Youth add $8.00
- Additional Cub add $6.00
- Michigan Bow Hunter w/ card $2.00 discount
- Active Military w/ ID Free
Shooters are grouped into the following classes:
Age Group | Style | Shooting Position |
All Ages | Traditional | WHITE |
Cub 11 and under | All Styles | WHITE |
Youth 12-14 | Fingers | WHITE |
Youth 12-14 | Freestyle | YELLOW |
Youth 12-14 | Open | RED |
Youth 15-17 | Fingers | YELLOW |
Youth 15-17 | Freestyle | RED |
Youth 15-17 | Open | GREEN |
Female Adult | Fingers | YELLOW |
Female Adult | Freestyle | RED |
Female Adult | Open | GREEN |
Male Adult | Fingers | RED |
Male Adult | Freestyle | GREEN |
Male Adult | Open | BLUE |
WHITE stakes have a 25 yard maximum range.
YELLOW stakes have a 35 yard maximum range.
RED stakes have a 40 yard maximum range.
GREEN stakes have a 45 yard maximum range.
BLUE stakes have a 50 yard maximum range.
- The first scorecard is the official score and only this first scorecard shall be registered.
- Second round shooting and scorecard may be purchased for $5.00 after the first round scorecard is turned in at the registration stand. However, second round shooting must begin before registration closes at 2:00. The second round score is not registered.
- Registration fee can be reimbursed, but only for equipment failures.
Target Course:
- The target course generally consists of thirty 3-D wildlife targets at varying shooting distances.
- No rangefinders are allowed on the range during shoot events.
- Binocular use is allowed.
- A course map is posted in the clubhouse for viewing.
Shooting Instructions:
- Shooters shoot from the furthest stakes first (Blue, then Green, then Yellow, and finally White)
- Shoot only one arrow per target
Shooting positions:
- Once you begin shooting, you must finish the course or take an incomplete.
- No wandering, keep your group together. This is a safety issue and it also distracts other shooters.
- Allow groups to “shoot through” if you have groups backed up behind you and openings ahead.
- 10 points for the heart area
- 8 points for the lung area
- 5 points for other hits on target including bounce-outs
- 0 points for a glancing hit or miss
- A line breaker is scored to the higher score
- Shooters unable to complete the course or do not turn in a scorecard are registered with an INCOMPLETE round.
To qualify for any award, a shooter must be registered, have an official scorecard, record his/her score on that card, and scores must be turned in after shooting.
- Awards are presented to the three highest scores in each class and category.
- Awards may be claimed up to 90 days following the shoot.
Protests must be made to the registration stand while the shoot is still in progress. The decision of the shoot committee is final.