Well we had the first archery shoot for 2014 and even though I wouldn’t say it was a rousing success we did have 17 shooters show up. The one thing that baffles me is that we only had 2 shooters from the Club participate. Dan Hovater and myself. I would like to think Dan, Ron Mast, and Mike Boyer for helping all day at the shoot and with set-up. They were the only members who were in attendance. I… do not know how to get members more involved but I hope that as the shoots go on they will at least come out and try the course because it is different from years past and will be changing each month. CVS pharmacy in Chelsea donated 10 cases of water to the Club and we had it on the course for participants to drink. I think as the summer heats up that will help with hydration. Mosquitos were tough but I only saw one deerfly.
– Len Ellsworth
The top three finishers for the classes were:
1) Chris Bazick 268
2) Rob Hendricks 268
3) Len Ellsworth 258
1) Scott Casper 137
2) Dan Hovater 126
1) Alex Booner 142