August 2016 3D Archery Report

The August shoot went real well. We had 45 participants. Mike was back from vacation so the kitchen ran like a clock. We had moved all of the targets for this shoot and it seemed everyone who shot it really liked the course. Some of them even got moved 2 times and 1 was moved 3 times.

We had 31 participants in the Freestyle (Hunter) class, 24 men, 2 women, 2 Jr. and 3 Cubs. There were 11 shooters in the Open, all men and 3 recurve shooters, and 1 crossbow. We have changed the classifications for each group. The freestyle or Hunter group is for all shooters who have any sight that isn’t classified a Target Sight in Lancaster’s Archery catalog. In other words if you are shooting for instance an HHA moveable sight you are able to shoot in the Hunter Class if you choose to do so. Crossbow is allowed if it shoots under 325fps and you have to shoot from the blue stakes. What happens to the targets is if the arrow penetrates through the other side than when it comes out it knocks chunks out of the opposite side. We are thinking about a major change in the course for the last two shoots if it is possible. If we do make this change, we will need some help from some of our members who would like to help. What we have done is divide the targets into groups. 1-10, 11-20, and 21-30. It is hard getting everyone out on the same night so there are 2 people in each group to set up the targets.

The top finishers in the groups are:

Freestyle Men

1)Brian Darrow292
2)Mike Day272
3)Travis Janick264

Open Men

1)Bob Tucker280
2)Brandon Fredrick267
3)Todd Sherrod227

Freestyle Cub

1)Trevor Lantis164
2)Jack Kargel135
3)Spencer Shankland25

Freestyle Jr

1)John Hurzar258
2)Cameron Darrow246

Mens Recurve

1)Mike Woods185
2)Dan Hovater111

Freestyle Women

1)Ashley Drake243


1)Jerry Steine272

I would like to thank everyone who helped put this shoot on. Ron Mast, Nathan Sova, Don Minock, Greg Povenski, Bruce Sullins, Dan Hovater, and our now departed Brother Breck Stringer.