Saturday Trap “Fun” Shoot – April 12th 2014, 9am – Noon
The next Saturday “Fun” shoot coming up will be on April 12th. We will run the “Redneck Five-Stand” and as is the season, we are planning a “Turkey Shoot”. I think that we would like to have people get a chance to drag out the old turkey gun and dust it off. We will do the “Turkey Shoot” for some prizes. Our shells and your gun on this one (12 ga. please) More details will be available at the shoot. Regular trap field will be available for the feint of heart as well. We will have some fun shooting with some multiple targets (some incarnation of our fun “Redneck Five-Stand”), so singles, report pairs and doubles.
Any questions let me know: [email protected]
April 12th 9am-12pm. $4/25 shot round. ($5/shot on special “Turkey Shoot”)