September 6th 2015 3D Archery Shoot Report / Results

We had a pretty good turnout considering that the shoot was over the [Labor] Day weekend. There were 21 shooters that came out to test their skills on our course. Everyone liked shooting the new targets we purchased from Scuhbachs in Jackson in time for this shoot. The next shoot will be on Sept.27th, just in time to get your practice in before opening day of the bow season.
The class winners were:

Men’s  Freestyle:
1) Jamie Powers       241
2) Tom Dembinski    228
3) Nick Aldrich          223

Women’s Freestyle:
1) Megan Dembinski   194

Jr. Freestyle:
1)  Griffin Murphy     206
2)  Parker Murphy    200
3)  April Dembinski  138

Men’s Open:
1) Barry Stapleton   257
2) Craig Ludwik       256
3) Larry Brian          245

– Len Ellsworth