Chelsea Rod & Gun Club

July 2016 Archery Report

Archery report for July – by Len Ellsworth.

Well gentlemen, we had a perfect day for the shoot. We had 19 shooters show up. One member, Don Minock came to shoot and also has volunteered to help us out for the rest of the year. Don is a probationary member who enjoys shooting his bow and seems as though he will be a great help to the Archery here at the CR&G. The bad news is that Breck is moving back to his roots in Mississippi. This was probably his last shoot he will be attending even though I tried to talk him into staying a couple more days he is planning on leaving on August 5th which is two days before the August shoot. I personally want to thank Breck for all of the help he has given me and the Archery committee. You made it a lot easier to get this thing back up and running. Don has volunteered to help Greg with targets 21-30 for the rest of the year.

To the shoot results;

Mens Freestyle                      

  1. Todd Martin        269
  2. Mike Day             262
  3. Jason Lantis      246          

Mens Open

  1. Brandon Fredrick   247
  2. Kent Marshall         175
  3. Ed Miller                  246

Freestyle Women                    

  1. Ashley Drake        241

Freestyle Cub

  1. Trevor Lantis        188


  1. Frank Thornhill        195
  2. Mike Woods             188

The next shoot will be on Aug. 7th. We will again change the course for those of you who came to this shoot so it won’t be the same course. If there are any CR&G members who would be interested in getting involved with the Archery please get with me and we can work this out. If you haven’t shot the course in awhile come see the course. You won’t find a better set-up anywhere around the area and the guys helping are top notch with all of the time they put in to make this what it is.

June 2016 Archery Shoot

We only had 13 shooters for the shoot in June. The first shoot in April we had 4′ of snow. The shoot in may it rained, and the June shoot the threat of rain was all day. July will be better. At least we had 3 Club members participate. Best all year! Remember to hand out flyers and post wherever you think some shooters might read about us.


OPEN MENS                                                        RECURVE

1) Todd Sherrard            241                                1)  Evan Kowalski  41
2) Kent Marshall             198


MENS FREESTYLE                                            ATLATL

1) Ron Doster                  259                                1) Dan Hovater  38

2) Kim Sherrad                237

3) Rob Hendricks            219


There is a young man who is working on becoming an Eagle Scout. His name is Bobby Denny. he would like to help out on the bow course and as of right now he is drawing up plans for replacing the bridge. He has to submit plans on what he plans on doing and how. He will have to acquire all funding and labor. After he submits them to me I will take them to the Chelsea R&G board to approve. We also have discussed him building some sort of a “running deer” target along with another practice range possibly behind the Youth building so we would be able to start the course from the opposite end at times.


I met him over at the Clubhouse today to measure and take pictures of the bridge and I tried to show him the course. I hate to say this but since the last shoot the course has fell into disrepair. Trees are down and a lot of limbs have to be picked up and or trimmed. I know a couple of you are going to be on vacation the first two weeks of July but the rest of us are going to have to step it up. We will not be using the field for the rest of the year, except possibly the last shoot of September, so the five targets located there will have to be relocated. There is a large tree down between targets #22 and #23 that will have to be removed. Breck and Greg, Target #20 will end up in the same place as it is right now but it won’t be going down the trail, it will be down the hill. I can be there just about anytime if someone wants to get with me to have a work bee. Chainsaw, pole saw, pruners, post hole digger, shovel, and drill will be needed. I will have to check the Club calendar to see what is going on as far as activities that would jeopardize our working the course.

Some members from Jackson County Outdoor Club attended our shoot in June and I for one am planning on attending their upcoming shoot this Sunday, June 26th so if anyone would like to attend, let me know.

Have a great 4th and be safe, Len Ellsworth

MUCC Club of the Year Award


On September 28th, The Chelsea Rod and Gun club was presented with the “Club of the Year Award” from the MUCC Youth Camp. Pictured is the presentation of a plaque from Sean McKeon, director of the youth camp (left), to Gary Moore of the CRG (right).

Saturday Trap Shoot – March 9th, 2013

Saturday, March 9th 9 am- Noon: Trap Shoot

Our March fun shoot is coming up this next Saturday, March 9th. This will be our Leprechaun themed shoot to prep for the St. Patty’s Day scholarship dinner fundraiser.  We likely be setting up the “Redneck Fivestand” (weather permitting).  So expect mixed singles/reports/doubles .  We will also have a standard Trap field available as well.

Our “Leprechaun Shoot” will be much like a turkey shoot, so bring your turkey gun/tight choke, but our shells will be used!  We will either do this with some prizes or a 50/50 deal.
As always eye and ear protection are required.  Target loads only please (# 7.5 to # 9 shot).
See our Trap Shoot page in the Public events for details and cost information.

Hunter Safety

Registration and material need to be picked up in advance at Chelsea or Stockbridge Community Education office.

The next class is September 12 and 13, 2015 and the final class of the season is October 10 and 11, 2015.

Call 734-433-2208 – Chelsea
Call 517-851-8222 – Stockbridge

Oct 14 Pistol Shoot

Just a reminder about the CR&G pistol shoot this Sunday starting at 11:00. The weather forecast isn’t looking too good, but I’ll be there anyway, if for nothing else than to say it is cancelled if necessary.

Hope to see you out there.


Chelsea Rod and Gun Club 2012 Youth Training Facility Benefit Raffle

Its time again for the Chelsea Rod and Gun Club 2012 Youth Training Facility Benefit Raffle. The proceeds from this raffle are put toward our Youth Training Facility, an indoor shoorting range for archery, air rifle, and small caliber rifle and pistol. Please purchase a ticket and help our Youth Group, Hunter Safety, and the Chelsea Community enjoy the shooting sports year around!

1st Prize
Gun Safe With Firearms

  • Browning Gun Safe
  • DPMS .223 cal Rifle
  • Henry .22 Mag Rifle
  • CED M2 Chronograph

2nd Prize

  • Browning Buck Mark .22 pistol

3rd Prize

  • $300.00 Schupbach’s Gift Certificate

Ticket Donation:
1 for $10 each, 3 for $20, 8 for $50
Or 18 for $100

Drawing at 8:30 p.m. on Wednesday, September 19, 2012

For Tickets or additional information contact:
734-475-1554 Res.
[email protected]

NOTE: We will also be selling tickets at our booth at the Chelsea Community Fair from August 21st to August 25th. Come and see us!

CPL/CCW Classes – July 20th/21st, 2012

The CPL / First Steps class is coming on July 20th at 5 pm, and the 21st at 9 am. We encourage anyone who is interested in obtaining a CPL, or even learning some good information about home defense, to attend this class. It’s a VERY valuable learning experience, and even if you do not plan to carry a concealed pistol, helps make it easier to purchase a handgun since you do not have to get a prior purchase permit before purchasing.

First Steps Class: July 20th at 5pm
CPL Class: July 21st at 9am

Both classes must be attended to receive a certificate for first time CPL.
Only the CPL class is needed for renewal of an existing CPL.
Total Cost for both classes: $125.00

Contact Roy Margenau (517)-522-6175 for more information and to get signed up!